Trading Volume in 2024 of Tokyo Financial Exchange of 195 Million 250 Thousand, 19.9 % Down Year on Year
Jan. 31, 2025As for trading volume in December of Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX), exchange FX“Click 365”was 1,531,579 (14.8 percent down from the previous month, 34.7 percent down year on year). Among them, Click 365 Large was 737.
Total trading value of Click 365 was 1 trillion 539 billion 800 million yen, and among them, the currency pair of the top, USD/JPY was 670 billion 400 million yen, the second, MXN/JPY was 162 billion 600 million yen and the third, AUD/JPY was 116 billion 200 million yen.
Also, total trading volume in December of exchange CFD“Click Kabu 365”was 4,101,742 (2.5 percent down from the previous month, 16.6 percent up year on year) and its trading value was 5 trillion 485 billion 300 million yen, and among them, Nikkei225 Daily Futures contract with Reset Date/25 was 3 trillion 677 billion 300 million yen, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Daily Futures contract with Reset Date/25 was 517 billion 400 million yen and Gold ETF Daily Futures contract with Reset Date/25 was 309 billion 700 million yen.
As for interest rate futures contracts, trading volume in December of Three-month Tokyo Over-Night Average rate (TONA) Futures contract was 98,246 (2.6 percent down, 199.0 percent up).
As for FX clearing business, trading volume in December was 7,507,143, its daily average was 341,234 and trading value of open interest as of the end of December was 139 million 900 thousand U.S. dollars.
As a result, total trading volume in December was 13,238,710 (0.9 percent up, 6.9 percent down).
Meanwhile, as for trading volume in 2024, Click 365 was 25,965,547 (10.4 percent down year on year), Click Kabu 365 was 50,843,203 (10.5 percent down), interest rate futures contracts was 1,318,903 (608.1 percent up), FX clearing business was 117,125,652 (25.8 percent down), total trading volume of all listed products in 2024 was 195,253,305 (19.9 percent down) and its daily average was 857,272.
reference:Japanese page
(Futures Tribune・issued January 7, 2025 ・no.3333)
Link(Japanese site)
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