CFAJ, New Year Budget 150 Million Yen-34 Member Companies to be Promote Self-Regulation Reform

Mar. 13, 2023

The Commodity Futures Association of Japan (CFAJ) decided the drafts on business plan and cash budget in FY 2023 (April-March) at the board of directors on March 28.
The draft on business plan is four pillars as usual:
Ⅰ.the business relating to self-regulation
Ⅱ.the business relating to resolution of complaint and dispute, etc.
Ⅲ. The business relating to registration, certification examination and training, etc. on salesperson
Ⅳ. the business relating to public relations, etc. The budget amount is 150,000,000 yen.
The number of members is 34 companies consisting of 15 companies having qualification on domestic market, 9 companies having qualification on foreign market and 20 companies having qualification on OTC trading. The number of registered salespersons is 21,800 (1,022 having qualification on domestic market only) as of the end of February. The number of CFAJ staffs is 7 (4 staffs are seconded to Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) and 1 staff is seconded to a concurrent position from Japan Commodity Futures Industry Association.)

Ⅰ.To secure appropriate business on commodity futures by the member companies, CFAJ assists the enhancement of training on certification of chief administrators and training on management supervisors in the member companies, money laundering, the measures against terrorist finance and the efforts relating to elimination of antisocial forces, etc. Also, CFAJ considers the function of self-regulation suitable for the situation of the member companies and commodity derivatives trading. For the audit of the member companies, CFAJ implements not only monitoring but also examines the results that the members carry out the internal audit, follows up on them, and implements the appropriate management of confirmation application, etc. on accident caused by commodity futures trading. Furthermore, CFAJ makes the members that are doing commodity futures business for individual customers to disclose the corporate information.
Ⅱ. Appropriate correspondence on consultation by customers, etc. , prompt resolution on complaint by customers, etc., and smooth implementation of mediation and arbitration for resolution on dispute are to be kept going.
Ⅲ.For registration, certification examination and training for registration update on salespersons, precise operation and practice are to be continued, and lecture contents of certification training for chief administrator on commodity futures business for the member companies of Japan Securities Dealers Association are to be prepared. This is a system that if class-1 sales representative practices commodity futures business, it is possible by taking training under designating by CFAJ, and it is the final stage of preparation at the present.
Ⅳ. Enhancing the website of CFAJ, drawing up the statistics relating to commodity derivatives trading and the public relations on self-regulation for improvement of the social credibility, etc. are to be done.
Also, CFAJ is considering the organizational change to the two-part system, general affairs division and business division, from the new fiscal year.

The draft of the budget is as follows.
Total 153,000,000 yen (including 10,000,000 yen of allowance prepared for operation)
Membership fee 146,000,000 yen (fixed rate fee 102,000,000 yen and proportional fee 44,000,000 yen)
Business (training fee, examination fee, etc.)5,000,000 yen
Total 143,000,000 yen (including 70,000,000 yen of staff salaries)
Business cost72,000,000 yen (10,000,000 yen of examination, registration, etc.)
Administrative expense 70,000,000 yen

(Futures Tribune・issued March 7, 2023・no.3201)
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