TSE Carbon Credit Market, 3,689 Tons CO2 on the First Day

Oct. 18, 2023

Tokyo Stock Exchange opened the carbon credit market on October 11 and there were 3,689 tons -CO2 in total traded volume in 5 trading categories on the first day.
At the carbon credit market, trade is twice a day: Session 1(11:30 am) and Session 2 (15:00 pm)
Below is the trading on the first day, October 11

・Category Traded price (yen) / Trading volume (t-CO2) 「―」nil
[Session 1]
  • J-Credit Energy Saving 2,850/1
  • J-Credit Renewable Energy (Electric power) 3,169/561
  • J-Credit Renewable Energy (Heat)  2,480/21
  • J-Credit Forest Sink 9,900/21
  • J-VER (not yet transferred) forest sink 8,450/52
[Session 2]
  • J-Credit Energy Saving ―/―
  • J-Credit Renewable Energy (Electric power) 3,060/3,001
  • J-Credit Renewable Energy (Heat) 2,480/22
  • J-Credit Forest Sink 7,000/10
  • J-VER (not yet transferred) forest sink ―/―
(Futures Tribune・issued October 17, 2023 ・no.3245)
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