Futures Markets without Physical Users

Jun. 01, 2023

National Grain Exchange Federation set up “Listing Commodity Research Committee” in 1962. The commodities that the Committee considered at its first meeting were six products such as peanut, rapeseed, bran, coffee beans, soybean oil and corn. After that, by 1964, brown buckwheat, tea, dried seaweed, glutinous rice, konjak ball, dried shiitake mushrooms, hen egg, etc. were added as candidate for listing. None of those products reached listing because trading volume didn’t promised enough and remnants of the control era were strong in those days. Specifically, peanut hadn’t been unified its inspection standard by prefecture, soybean oil didn’t have storage warehouse suitable for the dangerous goods storage regulations, coffee beans had only 320 million yen of its import value, etc.
Among above products, corn, coffee beans and hen egg were listed after, however, agricultural product that has trading volume now is only corn at Osaka Exchange. Note that the corn that has been listed now is for U.S. products, so domestic agricultural products haven’t been trading at any commodity exchange in Japan.
As to listing of new product, it can be said to be original appearance that any commodity exchange adds any product taking physical user requests. However, distorted situation “Any exchange persuades physical users who oppose listing” is repeated now. It is thought to be the biggest factor that futures markets without physical users are formed.

(Futures Tribune・issued May 23, 2023・no.3217)
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